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Library Services

Circulation of books


Regular circulation of books is provided for classes V and above. Generally the circulation is done during the library periods, 


Library Periods

Weekly one library period is there for every class starting from V to XII . During library periods students can issue and return the books. The students are encouraged to maintain their reading lists in the school diary and to submit book reviews of the books they have borrowed from library.


The classroom Library concept is there for classes I, II & III. Books are given to the students to read in the classroom only.


Previous Examination Question Papers

Previous Examination Question papers of are kept in the library.


Notice Boards

There are two Notice Boards in the corridor of The library.One notice board gives information regarding the rules and regulations of Library, new books added to the library and Newspaper clippings,Another notice board is for the display of best book reviews of the year written by the students and the photographs of Voracious Readers.


Revolving Map Display Stand

One Revolving Map stand is also there for display of different maps.


Periodical Display Rack

The periodical display rack is their for display of new subscribed magazines.

Newspaper Display Stand

The newspaper display stand is there to display the subscribed newspapers.

New Arrivals

The new arrivals list is displayed in the notice board. The new books are also displayed on New Arrivals Revolving display rack.


Book Reviews

Good book reviews by the students  are displayed. It gives a chance to the readers to understand the books.



Reference Services

There is a good collection of reference books in the library in different subject areas. These books are not issued and allowed to read only in the library.


Book Fairs

Book Fairs with cooperation from the difference publishers/sellers are organised every year.



To promote reading habit the Voracious Readers Award Competition organised and the winner are given a award with a certificate in the Annual Function every year.

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