From the Pen of our Alumni

A good library ensures students have the best chance to succeed. It increases the scope for development and has a positive impact on students academic achievements. OPJS library has been one of the most welcoming places one can ever come across.The library created the very needed safe and nurturing climate essentialfor one's growth. When I was in the school, maybe I never predicted as to how this entire experience of being to this beautiful library would effect my journey.It is now I understand as to how,the wonderful books of this library moulded me into a better person both personally and professionally.Thank you Braja Mohan Sir and my gratitude to OPJS; grateful forever!!
In this era of ‘Netllix and Chill’ people are forgetting the importance of reading. OPJS library was my most favourite hermitage in the school.I have always enjoyed reading especially ‘Epic Fantasy’. I used to issue books on weekly basis from the school library. Book reading has helped me to build my vocabulary, increase self-confidence in speaking and writing, which eventually has given me a better understanding of the books,including the medical books that I read today. Reading is like renting your brain to those writers and knowing their perspectives. The more number of books you read, the lesser you will get confrontational with anybody because you will have multiple views. You will decipher that there is no single ‘Right Way’, rather there can be multiple ‘Right Ways’ to defend yourself and exalt your personality.

A library is a place where books are stored and maintained. It is the best traditional form of knowledge. In my opinion, library shapes the minds of country’s future. I still remember, we students would spend most of our free time in library. Library always provided me immense pleasure whenever I visited in my school. The Library is well equipped with a lot of books from different categories and there was a new arrival section which always fascinated me.I never had any such habit of reading books but our revered librarian Mr. Braja Mohan Mishra always kept everyone motivating to read and slowly I gained interest and today I feel super proud to say that I was honoured as Voracious Reader for four consecutive years at a strech. All this was possible only due to constant support and encouragement by our sir. I would like to thank him for believing in me. Also, a short message for my juniors;
Keep reading as it definitely inspires you all your future to concetrate on studies and leads you towards success. Have faith in yourself. Keep your spirit and wish intact. Good luck!

Let it be comic books, which were an escape to paradise, or the speaking tree which kept us grounded, for every emotion and deuterium we were provided with the warmth of books in our library. Whenever I and my friends needed any book or wanted, a quiet place to study the library was our go-to-place. I remember of spending all my leisure time during the school hours in the library preparing for Board and competetitive exams. From previous year paper to reference books, I was never deprived of any resources. I was even felicitated with the Voracious Reader award for punctually submitting a book review for every book that I read. Apart from books, my fondest memories of the library are solving Sudoku and crosswords in the newspapers obviously with the help of compendium Oxford dictionary. We were provided ,with personal cabinets in the library in order to study in peace without getting distracted or disturbed. Not to forget the use of barcodes to issue books or the CCTV cameras to maintain the decorum, our library has always been equipped with latest technologies. I have spent my eight years in this school, and for every segment of my life, I always found company in the form of books. I hope the library serves as a great aid for students in years to come, asif it were there for my psychic support, for savouring the ambrosia of knowledge and wisdom.

LIBRARY, the abode of books, is the heart and soul of an educational institution. Proudly our school is embellished with one such vibrant and beautiful library which is a rich source of information and knowledge for both the students and the teachers.
Stacked with the books from various brands and genres, this shelter of sanity not only caters to the incredible hobby of reading but also encourages flourishing thoughts and innovative ideas. Only a book-lover feels the hunger for knowledge which is insatiable. It only grows with time and rewards us with the jewels of wisdom, peace and consistency.
As, Alumni I am lucky enough to be resourced by such a radiant and well-equipped library which helped me during the preparation for my higher studies. It provided space and opportunity to get submerged into books, scribble equations and have a good time. I wish my school library grows bigger and wealthier in knowledge with every new addition of books, to succour the students in the nick of time in future.

My journey in O.P. Jindal School began when I took admission in Class:V.The beautiful ascending entrance, the magnificent building, kids garden,sprawling play ground, ideal classroom, halls and above all most caring, conducive and copious facilities of the school contributed towards its exquisiteness. Amidstall these, we had a modernly built, well-equipped place vibrating with ideas full of treasure and weapons in the form of books- ‘the heart of the school’, Our library. Its peaceful and pleasant environment added fun to book reading. We used to borrow books, write reviews which honed our skills and added splendour to our personality development. Our Librarian sir is a man of knowledge, who used to inform us about the good quality books, new arrivals and used to guide us whenever we needed his help. Be it quiz competitions, debates, Spell Bee, Olympiads, competitive examinations, our library stood as one of my most important sources of scholastic support. It had each and every reference books needed during my preparation. We had really nice magazines, fictions, novels, story books, fact books, encyclopaedias and dictionaries. Thesudokus and word games in the library’s newspaper gallery were my favourite fun time activities . I used to visit the library and read books. My school library has always provided me that pabulum which whenever I needed I got and it is one of my favourite hunting groundsat I.P Jindal school.

“The only thing that one needs to know is the location of a library” - Albert Einstein
The library must be made the most attractive place in the school so that students will be naturally drawn to it. It should be housed in a spacious well-lit hall. The book shelves, tables, chairs, reading desks should be carefully arranged with an preview to artistic look as well as functional efficiency. That’s exactly what O.P.Jindal School offers. Our library pioneers a unique AURA, which calms one’s mind. Our Librarian, Mr Braja Mohan Mishra is very polite, calm and talented scholar. One can discuss definitely availability of all sorts of books and the most awaiting book fair one is pining for with him. From national journals to magazines, newspapers to encyclopaedias, from novels to story books ---- our library doesn’t disappoint anyone.
Our library has probably the most attractively accustomed well-designed room in our school and it should be as Libraries play a vital role in strengthening the fundamental base of a student. If one wants to judge a school, one can just check in and checkout the library. Moreover, libraries also help in increasing our concentration levels. As it is a place that requires pin-drop silence; a person can study or read in silence. It makes us focus on our studies more meticulously. Libraries also broaden our thinking and make us more a visionary to modern thinking.
In spite of advancement in digitalization, Libraries have not lost their importance. The sad part about online availability of books is that the reality of holding one in your hands is lost. Also, these may cause a great amount of strain on our eyes. Reading habits can be cultivated inside the library as it inculcates in the students the habit of silent reading. Reading and analysing things are required the most in various job profiles and for various competitive exams like CAT, GRE and so on.

“When in doubt go to library”. Library is a place full of knowledge. For me, it was a part of my life during my school days and also it helped me achieve a lot in my life.The Library of OPJS,Angul provided me with all materials and research papers which were needed for the improvement of my intellect and skills. I joined this school in Class:X and during my learning career, I used to spend a lot of time in library for practicing my Board papers.Also during Class XI and XII , the library was very much useful and was a source of motivation for me. To sum up,“ Things are there to help you, but it is you, who has to decide, what is important for you and what is not".

People are addicted to screens now-a-days, but back when I was in school, I had the ‘keypad waala Nokia’ and most of my days as free time (that was of course before I took Science after Class X ). So having nothing interesting to do, and upon receiving a wise man's suggestion, I found myself poaching (literally!) school’s library, which became a habit; which is pretty ‘flowery, routine and boring’ for students to hear so I'll tell you what happened next.
I knew competition is cut-throat in colleges but it was after I spent a semester, I realized that it was all those years of reading from school library which made sure that I was at least toe-to-toe with some of the best students there and was not playing catch-up with them in the first year itself.
The cheap “dopamine gratification (Google it!)” you receive using internet kills your will to accomplish anything worthwhile because “something worthwhile” requires effort and its success gives gratification but internet gives this gratification to your brain free-of-effort leading to self-mediocrity, which might sound a bit of a stretch, but accept it or not, Expertise is the new ‘success currency’ and you won’t get it without acquiring in-depth knowledge in your field which won’t happen unless you read!
So, instead of seeking attention on social media & wasting energy on “other websites” which you will regret later, start using screens to read good stuff by using this e-library (it doesn’t have to be just non-fiction), because howsoever fun you think you are having, doing these stuff on phones, doing something bigger than yourself will give you much more attention and gratification than you think you are getting now.
Good Luck!

The Library was my go-to-place after the classes.It was by far a perfect place to just ease out and lose oneself among the books. It’s said that the books bring out the best version of the year. It can be rightly stated in case of O.P. Jindal School, Angul Library. The library plays a crucial role in our overall headway.
The best thing about the library was the continual development and modification of the library with books, research papers, magazines or be it modification done in order to provide the students with excellent reading environment. “ you trackit, the library has it”
Be it comic books to fuel up the child inside us or be it detective thriller to be our own version of Sherlock Holmes, the library had it all.
The library is well-equipped with the latest reference books, guides, question sets in order to make the students acquainted with the latest patterns of exam etc. The library also took good care of our overall development by introducing books such as culture, social issues, politics and many more to us. The library has constant CCTV surveillance. Not to forget the use of barcode technology for issuing the books to make the process hassle free. The library is also fully equipped with AC and students are provided with their individual compartments to make their studying more conducive. I hope the library continues to lookmajestic and for the students in years to come.

Benefits of reading books is something we have heard and talked about a lot. It improves our focus, reduces stress, improves our communication skills, builds vocabulary, increases empathy and what not. We are well aware of these facts, but it does get challenging to motivate ourselves to develop into the world of books. So, was the case with me, but the OPJSA library opened the door to a new realm for me.
Reading books, writing reviews not only helped me build confidence in speaking, it also helped me broaden my vision of the world.
Reading, certainly could be one of the most rewarding hobbies you could ever develop. Moreover, a little reading is all the therapy you might need sometimes.